Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Additions, Blogs, and Opportunities

To get us started for the week, I present you with three new entries to my blogroll for you to enjoy. Credit to Robert at Cenantua's Blog for bringing the first two to my attention.
First is Faces of War, put together by Rob Coddington. His site specializes in cartes de visite and boasts a tremendous collection to look at and study. Associated with this work and the books he's published showcasing this material is his blog, found here.
Wanna deconstruct the war? Well then, the microhistorical approach being taken at Weirding the War may be for you. This sounds like a fascinating attempt at "constellating the weirdness, multiplying the fragmentation, and aggregating the anarchic disaggregations, we may strip the war of the master narratives we have perhaps loved too well."
This unique approach taken by young scholars may well provide a shot in the arm to some long-studied dogmas of the Civil War. Certainly it will bring fresh insights and energy to our field of study.
Lastly is a link that came to me via email from the publicity crew at 21st Century Abe, an exhibition and blog site put together in conjunction with the Rosenbach Library in Philly in celebration of Abraham Lincoln's birthday. I got a long letter from them, it's in the comments section of this post.
All good stuff, hope you enjoy!

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