Monday, September 1, 2008

Watch My Cousin Become The World Tenpin Masters Champion!

If you recall, I wrote a post about my cousin Guy winning the World Tenpin Masters Championship this past April with one of the gutsiest finishes you've ever seen. This incredible victory was a wonderful moment for Guy, and for the family as a whole. We are quite scattered from South Africa to Israel to Canada to the US, but this gave all of us a simultaneous chill and a huge thrill.
Now we've got the footage, so everyone can join in. No more grainy hand-held shots, here is the SkySports broadcast of the event. It takes about 25 minutes to watch all four, definitely go for it, it's a blast!
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four (this part obviously has the incredibly dramatic finish, but try to watch each part in sequence and tell me if your heart isn't pounding at the very end!)
I also found a wonderful interview Guy did a few months ago at a tournament in San Marino, he is just made for television, that kid is.
I'll leave you with that incredible photograph one more time.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Hanging out with Guy was one of my top highlights from your wedding... er, below the actual wedding itself, and the SA candy bars... but definitely in the #3 to #8 range.